At Quality in Motion, we recognize that no two projects are alike. We work closely with you to determine the best way to meet your specific requirements, identify key issues, pinpoint obstacles, and explore all possible approaches to achieving the results you need.
We develop and deliver solutions to fit your needs, budget, and schedule, communicating with you regularly to ensure that we quickly adapt to any shifts in your priorities and to keep you fully informed about our progress. Throughout the process, we work closely with you to ensure that we meet your requirements, your deadlines, and your highest expectations. Our services include:

Data Warehousing
QIM’s Data Warehousing and provide end-to-end ETL services from data source to database to downstream systems.

Telecom Data Collection and Analytics
Our services are fully integrated with all aspects of mobility data. We collect, parse and load 2G, 3G and 4G Configuration Management data and produce network topology data enriched with market topology from various network elements.

Wireless Research and Lab
QIM provides comprehensive evaluation and comparative analysis of wireless communication technologies. Available services include lab and field-based testing and data analysis and custom application development for mobile devices.